Kraglin F7406/F6480, a pivotal character in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" franchise, serves as a loyal and trusted ally to Yondu Udonta, leader of the Ravagers. Portrayed by actor Sean Gunn, Kraglin is recognizable by his distinctive cybernetic implant and unwavering dedication to his captain. Initially introduced as a supporting character, Kraglin's role expands as the narrative progresses, showcasing his growth from a simple crew member to a figure with significant influence within the Ravager hierarchy.
Kraglin's journey is characterized by his moral dilemmas and internal conflicts, particularly as he grapples with questions of loyalty and personal agency. Despite his occasional struggles, Kraglin consistently demonstrates courage and resourcefulness, often playing a crucial role in the Guardians' adventures. His nuanced portrayal adds depth to the ensemble cast, contributing to the rich tapestry of relationships and dynamics that define the Guardians of the Galaxy universe.